The curtain has fallen on the second edition of the Aerotech Academy, the advanced training course on frontier engineering topics created through the partnership between Leonardo and the Naples University ‘Federico II’.
Today, at Leonardo’s Aerotech Campus in Pomigliano D’Arco, a diploma awarding ceremony was held for 19 students, in the presence of Gaetano Manfredi, Mayor of Naples, Alessandro Profumo, CEO of Leonardo and Luigi Carrino, President of DAC - Distretto Aerospaziale Campania (Aerospace District of Campania). The Aerotech Campus is part of the Leonardo Labs network and is one of the Group’s innovation centres for materials and production processes. The campus encourages innovation and openness to new technological solutions in line with market trends, with the support of the prestigious Neapolitan University.
Innovation and Industry 4.0 at the heart of the project work
During the ceremony, the students presented their project work focusing on central issues relating to the current economic-productive scenario. These include technological innovation for aerostructures, Industry 4.0, sustainability and digitisation processes for the factory of the future, and the frontiers of next-generation aircraft.
The specific nature of the topics addressed and the prestige of the institutional and academic speakers confirm the strong synergy between academia, business and the local area that underpins the Academy’s establishment.
A hothouse of Campania talent
The entire class of the second edition of the Aerotech Academy consists of students from Campania, selected through a special call for applications and who already hold bachelor and/or master’s degrees in engineering.
During the nine months of the master’s course, the students increased their theoretical skills and developed practical, operational skills that can be immediately deployed in advanced technology industries.
The training combined and integrated advanced engineering research topics and applications of interest to the manufacturing industry; and all organised using innovative teaching and learning methodologies.
The mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, who attended the ceremony, commented: “Leonardo’s Aerotech Academy pools together the talent of our young people and the advanced technologies of our companies. This project offers a considerable opportunity for the growth of the human capital in our area. The industrial revamping of Naples and its hinterland needs initiatives like the Pomigliano D’Arco Aerotech Campus”.
“The Aerotech Academy,” said Luigi Carrino, President of the Aerospace District of Campania, “brings academia into the business world. This essential synergy develops the skills required both for a large industry like Leonardo and for SMEs in the supply chain. At DAC, we have supported this important initiative from the outset as it provides a concrete example of how competitiveness and innovation can be generated with significant benefits for the local territory."
“The development of new technical and organisational skills is an essential prerequisite for managing a business in a period of technological transformation,” said Leonardo’s CEO, Alessandro Profumo. “Innovation and the ability to attract and enhance talent are key factors for Leonardo’s competitiveness and its ability to generate value in the long term. The added value of the Aerotech Academy lies not only in its ability to link education and the world of work, but also in the practical nature of the students’ project work, which fits into areas of corporate interest and helps explore new business lines.” Profumo concluded: “The Academy is a winning example of the synergy that Leonardo has created with the university and research world, in particular with the Federico II University, pursuing the development of competencies following a collaborative open innovation model”.
Enrolment open for the third edition
Following the success of the first two years, enrolment is already open for the third edition of the Aerotech Academy, aimed at students with at least a bachelor’s degree. They will be selected through a special call for applications.
The University of Naples recognises the Academy’s training activities, delivered by university professors and Leonardo experts. The 2022 programme is divided into three chapters: Aerostructures core technologies and beyond, Industry 4.0 and digitisation for future factory and Challenges for next-generation air vehicles. The Academy’s activities are conducted entirely in English. They are structured over nine full-time months, including up to six months of classroom training in aerospace research and higher education and at least three months of project work through analysing, applying and developing case studies of actual work experience.
All enrolment information is available on the official Aerotech Academy website.